L'arc en ciel - Time Goes On [English]

Now, as it is, I want to stop time
Wrapped up in those soft days, everything is so radiant

Even though I should've known from the start
Only those incoherent words resound, in vain

Yet as I still sleep, I want to keep dreaming this dream

The withered leaves dancing in the wind, pile up within my heart

You never disappear, but I won't hold you back
From now on, from this place, everything is going to change

Surely, that one light is overflowing still, up ahead on the path you choose
If it's for you, I can keep walking as I play the clown
Just don't take away that smile

Even though I should've known from the start
Because my disorientation closed off the season
It is I who was dreaming
Everything is like a white foam, floating away into the air

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